The Hub Numeracy Course
Do you take it for granted that you understand all the masses of digital information that we have arounds us each day of our lives?​
Can you imaging not being able to walk into a shop and be confident that what you are paying is what you should pay?​
How would you cope if you could not schedule the programmes on your TV, or read the time table to know when your bus/train is due?​
These are the skills that the trained staff and volunteers at the Hub are there to help you with... and many, many more
Trust us & we will Deliver..
Our vision is for everyone in Chippenham to get on with numbers so that they can get on with life.​
By improving both understanding and working with numbers in day to day life we can help offer better opportunities - and in some cases a brighter future.​
Numeracy skills engender empowerment and the ability to meet life head on, and so our one-to-one training on an individual bespoke six week course will enable more of our community to enjoy the freedom that confidence with numbers can bring.