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No Time for Blogs!!!

Sorry if you have come along to read the blog about what as been going on at the Community Hub, but life has become really, really hectic of late and I am not able to spend the time to to catch up .

In brief, here is what has been happening since 23rd May.....

With funding from Chippenham Borough Lands no longer available to pay toward the wages of our wonderful manager, Donna, applying for grants has become our number one priority and (really unfortunately) all the things we have been doing for the good of our community for free, are now going to have to be monetised!

This really is a long and arduous task that involved so much desk work and brain power!

Alongside this we have had to review the wages we are offering in line with all the increases in cost of living etc.

Evolve have at last caught up with their paper work and we are now up to date with the rent and service charge we need to pay to stay at no.23 - which is more expense.

The Health and Wellbeing group, that brings together all the various community and statutory organisations that work in this vital area, has needed some TLC and work to keep it going and formulate a sustainable way to work together. Again this takes time and is proving to be quite complex..

The Town Team, all four Town Quarters, and the Chippenham Partnership Board Consultation, have taken up a tremendous amount of time, and a workload that is only just proportionate to the huge benefits it is bringing, and will continue to bring, into our lovely Chippenham town centre - I really have been fully stretch with this and it also occupied a full day with the New Local conference learning from other towns...

There has been an increasing demand at the hub for both help and for support with groups - which has included a new venture that will ensure help for the LGBGT+ community after the Pride Day. Remembering that this is our number one priority - to respond to the needs and demands of the community - is something that is very difficult in the face of all other calls on time, but non the less the base line reason for Chippenham Community Hub to exist.

Our partnership with the Wessex Water Connectors project has been full on and will only increase in demand - to make this prototype project a success is something that will reflect really well on our town in the future so it is well worth the hours put in!

PR and promotional material is needed for the up and coming Food and Drink Festival in Monkton Park circa July - we have a Kind Corner Gazebo to run during the two days, and alongside this there has been quite a general call for the production of advertising posters etc. for other areas of promotion.

This coming week is volunteers plans have had to be made to celebrate the wonderful Hub volunteers - which I only signed off on half an hour ago!

And last, but by no means least, there has been the little matter of family and health to devote time to! Happy days....

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